13 Instagram Commerce Statistics You Must Know in 2024

Instagram Commerce is a powerful tool for businesses aiming to increase sales and expand their reach. With its massive user base and visually appealing platform, it offers endless opportunities for brands to connect with customers. 

So, just how powerful is Instagram Commerce for driving business growth and engagement?Β 

With that in mind, we’ll dive into key Instagram Commerce statistics and insights to help you make the most of Instagram Commerce for your business.. πŸ“ΈπŸ›οΈπŸ’‘

Instagram Shopping Statistics (Infographic) Pin

Instagram Commerce Statistics: Key Numbers

90% of Instagram accounts follow at least one business.


42% increase in sales from Instagram after using the shopping feature.

130 million people engage with shoppable Instagram posts monthly.

million people engage with shoppable Instagram posts monthlyPin
Instagram shoppable posts increased website traffic by as much aPin

Instagram shoppable posts increased website traffic by as much as 1,416%.

More than 800,000 shoppers use Instagram every month.

_shoppers use Instagram every monthPin

70% of active users shop on Instagram.


100% increase in revenue from Instagram after using the shopping features.


Sources: (Sproutsocial, Capital One Shopping, Instagram Business, Social Media Examiner, Bigcommerce)

Instagram Shopping Statistics

44% of active users shop on Instagram on a weekly basis.


70% of active users shop on Instagram.

36% of people buy something within 5 hours of finding it on Instagram.


50% of Instagram users have gone to a website to purchase a product or service after seeing it in Stories.

81% of Instagram users research new products and services on the platform.


54% of users find it simple to discover and purchase products on Instagram.

72% of users say they made a purchase based on something they saw on Instagram.

What social selling features do social media marketers use (top 6)Pin

Sources: (Instagram, Predis, Facebook, Retail touchpoints)

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